Who We Are
The Democratic Precinct Delegates of Oakland County (affectionately known as DPDOC) is an organization of precinct delegates dedicated to community outreach.
We are motivated officials who see a lot of energy and power that could be harnessed to help shape our communites and actually realize the reimagined American Dream. A fair way to characterize us is that we are, in a way, unionizing. We're putting together our collective talents, energy, and contacts to make the Michigan Democratic Party and the election process more efficient and accessible to everyone.
The DPDOC Board
Along with performing their duties as precinct delegates, there is a group within DPDOC that devotes even more of their time to authoring training materials, using those materials to train new delegates, creating lists of voters in precincts for delegates to canvass, reaching out to the community and other organizations to strengthen communication and make the process accessible, and so much more. These are those people:
Board Chair: Laurie Evans - chair@dpdoc.org
General Contact Email: info@dpdoc.org
Nina Dodge Abrams
Lori Boyce
Nicole Dolsen Breadon - Officer
Brian Dunphy
Emily Duthinh
Theresa Fougnie - Officer
Laurie Lisi
Elizabeth McGregor
Kris McLonis
Nicholas Sahu
Diane Smith
Catherine Wade - Officer