We are excited to announce our Summer and Fall 2022 schedule of training and events for new and returning Precinct Delegates to learn, refresh, and engage in this very important year. Please click here for a full descn of each event. You can register here for the following.
At this time, most sessions are being scheduled via Zoom. Zoom links will be sent out 24 hours ahead of each session to all registrants.
DPDOC is an all-volunteer organization. That means we put all our own time, energy, and money into these trainings. We understand life comes at you fast, but please, if you have signed up for a training and are unable to make it, do us the courtesy of letting us know you will be unable to attend. You can respond to the confirmation email or you can email info@dpdoc.org. Thank you!!
Registration for all events will close one hour prior to the event. Links for Zoom sessions will be sent out starting 24 hours ahead of each session and up to one hour before a session from events (events@dpdoc.org) to all registrants. Please be sure to check your inbox and your spam for this email.
NOTE: If any club would like to schedule a club training date for any of the following or another Precinct Delegate topic, please contact us at info@dpdoc.org.
Sign up for any of these trainings through this Google sheet.
Sign up today to make sure that you stay informed about what’s on our schedule It’s almost spring and that means a fresh schedule of training and events for new and returning Precinct Delegates. We're setting the pace for 2024! Be sure to stay in touch and watch for offerings such as the following:
➢ Precinct Delegate Orientation and Training: For new or prospective PDs or those who want a full refresh
➢ What’s new for 2024: Precinct Delegate Updates!
➢ Canvassing Level I: Canvassing basics, Laws, Safety, and More
➢ Canvassing Level II: Role Playing and Real-Life Canvass Experience (IN PERSON ONLY)
➢ Canvassing and Talking to Rural/Red Voters
➢ Our MI Voting Laws: Update
➢ Reaching our Young(er) Voters
➢ Becoming a Notary and Why you Want to do this!
➢ Answering Disinformation: Staying Civil
➢ Navigating Today’s Media: Resisting a Negative Narrative AND MORE
Please send us your suggestions and requests and your questions: info@dpdoc.org.
New training schedule coming soon. Stay tuned!
Precinct Delegate Orientation and Training I (Zoom)
This session is intended for new PDs and provides a full discussion on the role and responsibilities of a Precinct Delegate for 2024. It is also suitable for anyone in the Precinct Volunteer role and for returning PDs who want a refresher and to make sure they are up-to-date. We will address important election facts; PD goals and strategies, the PD “workflow;” working with your Democratic club; and effective voter outreach techniques and tools, including tips on starting your conversation with voters, messaging, and countering misinformation. We will have lots of time for your questions!
Precinct Delegate Training, Level II (Zoom)
This session is intended for experienced/returning PDs to provide important updates about the election landscape, data from the 2022 elections, and new ideas about strategies and tools for reaching voters. Come ready to share your experiences as together we build our knowledge base to strengthen our work. A brief refresher on the PD role will also be provided.
These classes will be on the schedule soon - stay tuned!
**NEW** WAVE for Canvassing and Voter Connection (Zoom)
Learn how to most effectively use the relational power of WAVE to build your own precinct voter list and manage your contacts and records. We will also discuss effective techniques for building relationships with your voters. This session will begin with a discussion about WAVE for PD work and then move to a demonstration and short training so that you are ready to go!
These classes will be on the schedule soon - stay tuned!
Mastering MI Voting Laws and Voting Options: What Voters Need to Know (Zoom)
Michigan voters have a lot of new options available to them for voting and important decisions to make about the best voting plan for themselves. We found during the Primary Election cycle that many voters remain unaware of their new voting options and/or uncertain about certain processes. Data shows that a voter who is informed about voting processes and deadlines and who has thought through in advance the considerations to weigh in choosing their best option is significantly more likely to follow through and vote. Join this session to ensure that you are up-to-date on voting in Michigan and comfortable answering voter questions. This is one of our most important jobs!
Canvassing Level I: Canvassing basics, Laws, Safety, and More
Come learn best practices for canvassing and door drops. We will review canvassing preparation, techniques, countering misinformation, and best practices. We will also address questions about canvassing in restricted buildings (apartments, etc.), gated communities, senior living centers, and other challenging areas. Basic legal aspects of canvassing will also be discussed.
Coming again soon!
Canvassing Level II: IN PERSON team canvassing training. Limited to 24 participants.
Come learn best practices for canvassing and door drops. We will review canvassing preparation, techniques, countering misinformation, and best practices. We will also address questions about canvassing in restricted buildings (apartments, etc.), gated communities, senior living centers, and other challenging areas. Basic legal aspects of canvassing will also be discussed. This session is intended for those who have completed Canvassing Level I or are experienced canvassers looking to hone their skills. We will review canvassing materials and the message for the day and then go on a short canvass (with partners) in a local neighborhood to provide a mentored, suppported experience. Following the canvass, we will meet up for a beverage, lunch, and important debriefing on your experience. Wear your comfortable shoes and clothing.
Coming again soon!
DPDOC Coffee and Happy Hours!!
Join us to share some relaxing time and get to better know your fellow PDs! Bring a friend or two (or three) to meet our amazing Oakland County team and get inspired by good cheer and amazing Democratic energy.
Thanks for the great conversations! More to be scheduled soon, so stay tuned.
**NEW: DPDOC on the Road: Come find DPDOC at local events around Oakland County in 2024! This is a great opportunity to meet with other PDs, talk about the role to prospective PDs, talk to Elected Representatives, and more.